We have all the components of this configuration in stock and ready to assemble right away. You can expect shipment within 5-6 business days after order approval.
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Important Note: The operating system you selected is a Trial Version and will not include a key for activation.
Key features, especially related to personalization, are disabled. You cannot change the wallpaper, theme, lock screen, or custom accent colors.
Please confirm, or select a paid version if that is needed.
Tower Case
There are some warnings about your configuration
Item can not be added to the cart. Please fix the following issue(s):
Important Note: The system you are purchasing does not contain an essential component needed
to function fully.
Please review options in the following lines:
Please specify whether this was intentional. If not, please “Edit” the configuration to
include the missing component.
Intel Custom Tower Desktop PC - 13679165
Metallic Gear
NEO G MINI V2, Tempered Glass, No PSU, Mini-ITX, Black, Mini Tower Case
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